Even if you expect to deliver you child at home, it is wise to have an emergency suitcase containing:

  • Nightwear/bathrobe
  • Warm socks/slippers
  • Toiletries
  • Clean underwear and clothing
  • Baby clothes
  • Insurance papers and ID
  • Camera if needed

It is always possible that your insurance company does not have a contract with Bevalcentrum Oost. If the costs of childbirth are reimbursed for non-contracted caregivers it is stated in your insurance policy. For any questions, we refer you to your health insurance company.

No. Basically, you can decide during childbirth where you want to give birth. Fortunately, there is usually a room available at BCO.

No, the BCO itself has no medical delivery rooms. When a medical indication arises during labor, you will be referred to the gynaecologist or clinical midwife at the medical ward in OLVG hospital.

Your midwife can solve many complications at home or in the birth center. If the midwife needs the assistance from a gynecologist or clinical midwife, childbirth is usually continued at a medical delivery room of the hospital. You will then be transferred to another room, they are next door from us.


You can bring your partner and one extra person. If you don’t have a partner, you can bring two persons. Due to circumstances and after consultation of your midwife, exceptions can be made.

Families are not always a mother and a father. We think it’s important to offer the opportunity for every parent to be present at the birth of their child.

They are welcome when the baby is born.

Giving birth is a ver impressive and emotional situation for (young) children to witness, please keep that in mind.

No. Pets are not allowed on the premises of the OLVG-Oost and therefore also not allowed in Bevalcentrum Oost.

Unfortunately it is not allowed to burn candles or oils in Bevalcentrum Oost. This has to do with the smoke detectors in the rooms and the connection points for oxygen. We do have aromatherapy available for you.

Approximately 2 to 3 hours after birth, if all is well, you will take your baby home. Most maternity centers offer support of a maternity nurse when you get home. If after you have given birth you experience some dizziness or nausea, you can stay a little longer if indicated by your midwife. Five hours after childbirth it should be clear whether you can go home or should be transferred to the medical maternity ward of the hospital.

No, the Bevalcentrum Oost does not have the possibility and space to accommodate women with their newborns to stay during the postpartum maternity period.

All rooms have media players (mp3, cd, radio). One room has a TV available.

No, this is not necessary, only practical. Your midwife should agree to accompany you to Bevalcentrum Oost.

Research has shown that women are better able to cope with labor pain when accompanied by someone they trust. The BCO, the midwife and maternity nurse can assist in coping with the labor pain. All different kind of tools are available such as gym ball, birth pools, shower, aromatherapy, etc. 

Yes, but only after consultation with your own midwife. The BCO has two birthing baths available.

Unfortunately not. Both rooms at BCO have birthing pools available.

Yes, Bevalcentrum Oost has two electronic aromatherapy diffusers available including different kinds of oils. You can also bring your own oil.

You own midwife will be present, the BCO maternity nurse and anyone you will bring with you to accompany you. Furthermore, it may be that a student midwife or maternity nurse-in-training asks for your permission to be present during childbirth.

As natural childbirth is difficult to plan and no reservations can be made, it can happen that the delivery rooms of Bevalcentrum Oost are full.

You can bring your own food and it is possible to heat it in the microwave. In BCO bread, meats, fruit, dairy products, juices and soft drinks are available and ready for you if you wish.

Click here for more information.