Nowadays, Bevalcentrum Oost is located on the second floor of the OLVG-Oost.

The pictures on this page are just an impression of our former centre and does not reflect the look and feel of our new Bevalcentrum Oost.

In 2006 ten midwife practices in the Western area of Amsterdam decided to take control over the hospital births without medical indication (aka. “poliklinische bevallingen”). They believed it to be important to offer an alternative for hospital births that has a more homelike setting.

In this believe, they found a partner in the Onze Lieve Vrouwen Gasthuis (OLVG) in Amsterdam and in January 2007 the birthing centre Bevalcentrum West was opened.

The midwifes equipped and decorated the birthing centre according to their experience and knowledge. This resulted in a centre that provides a homely look and feel with extra facilities to maintain a more physiological birth.

Founding Others Bevalcentrum Oost

Geboortecentrum “Praktijk Geel”

Geboortecentrum “Praktijk Rood”

Verloskundigen de Baarsjes & Bos en Lommer

Verloskundigenpraktijk van der Hoopstraat

Verloskundigenpraktijk Groei

Verloskundigenpraktijk Vondelpark

De Amsterdamse geboorte praktijk

Verloskundige in Amsterdam (VIA)

Vroedvrouwen praktijk Veilige geboorte

Praktijk mijnvroedvrouw

Praktijk Vroedvrouwen in Verbinding